So My little boy is now 10 months old!! Can't believe it!! In 2 short months this big guy will be 1!! Time sure does fly when you're having fun;) Here are some of the things our punkin' is up to:
- wears size 18 months
- size 4 diapers
- still drinking about 3-4 bottles a day (we are introducing the cup now too)
- trying lots new foods (went to specialist...all going well:)
- loves grapes, apples, strawberries, little crunchies, cherrios and especially guacamole! (so great to have finger foods he can eat!!)
- is a lazy little guy and still not crawling, however he does log roll all across the floor like a champ;)
- loves to stand up on his chunky little legs
- LOVES to jump and gets crazy in his doorway jumper:)
- is a mommy's boy...loves his mommy:)
- thinks his daddy is pretty funny too:)
- loves to play with his brother
- is so talkative and says baba and mama all the time...tripp was not this talkative!
- loves baths but not crazy about swimming pool water...that should be interesting on our cruise;)
- is so laid back and def seems to have carl's personality;)
- sleeps like a champ (7:30- 6:30ish) and takes 2-3 naps a day
- loves to clap (started clapping around 9 months)
- is really tickleish under his chin and between his legs!
- is super precious and I love him sooooo much!!
That is what our little guy is up to these days. I really can't believe how fast he is growing up, but I love every minute of it and especially love how much my boys interact these days:) Now on to sort of another blog post about our fun weekend....
We love the weekends, especially because daddy is home:) This weekend I was able to get my hair hilighted, an appoinment I made 3 weeks ago...and have been looking forward to for a while:) any mommy knows that sitting in a hair salon in peace for a few hours is heaven;) Anyways, Carl has been super busy at work and has been working a lot of saturdays. So after my appointment he had to go in to check on his houses. So I resumed my mommy duties:) After carl got home, we all got ready and headed out to celebrate abbey's first birthday party. It was a fun swimming party so trippey had a blast! We had a great time celebrating:) On sunday, I had a spontaneous lunch date with my sisters and then spent the rest of the day with my boys. Carl and I did a lot of cleaning and organizing then ended the day having his parents over for dinner. We love family time!! Ok enough with all the chitter chatter here are some pictures...
love this pic!!
so sweet!
love his g & c!
the birthday girl!
oh goodness....my crazy boy!
look what crazy coach did!
somebody is loving cheerios these days:)
what a life!
tripp wanted to do his bible study with mommy;)
lunch date
blake and jake brought tripp a cookie and a plate from disney world...he was super excited!
my sweet boys
tripp thought it was funny to jiggle brother's tummy! haha
haha! has a sensitive gag reflex...can you tell??
tripp wanted to try on the tie and lil bro was ready for nap!
thanks for stopping by and for bearing with the double blog post in one! Hope all have a great week!!
Love and Blessings,