Monday, August 27, 2012

it's a good day...

It's always a good day at our house especially because I get to spend my days with the 2 most precious boys and have the most amazing husband...but today is a good day because....
 I got some delicious home grown butternut squash (thanks uncle steve) and made tucker some food!

 babies r us had a sale on tuck's expensive formula so we stocked up!
 my birthday is coming up and I get free goodies in the mail!
 along with the goodies we also got our disney cruise luggage tags and itinerary!
And because I also have a few more pictures from the family gathering I stole from amy...thanks!!

we love our crazy, silly grammy!!
And tripp got some new car sheets for his bed and LOVES them!! He loves going to bed just to sleep on his sheets! It's the simple things;)

Just want to send a shout out to grammy and say thanks for coming with us on our mission to babies r us and chick fil a today! It was nice having a "wing man" today! Thanks again grammy! And thanks to yaya and grammy for buying formula for us since there was a 3 case limit per person!! I'm a loser, but I'm a loser who loves a good deal;) Hope all have a great day! thanks for stopping by:)

Love and Blessings,

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