Needless to say I can't leave this little boy alone for a second! One day tripp scooted himself all the way over to the couch where he proceeded to try and grab my computer cords which were under the couch! The time has come....mobility!
Tripp is a really good little baby. We just love him to pieces! I love seeing him get into mischief and just look up at me with that innocent face like, what mom? He is also getting over the nasty cold he had, thanks to dr. watson and the meds he prescribed. Daddy and mommy have been getting much more sleep! He is just so precious and I love spending everyday with him!!
We have had a busy week already! Monday night Carl's sweet family took us out for my birthday. It was a lot of fun and tripp enjoyed seeing his cousin kate. We also hosted a small group on sunday and bible study on wednesday! Tripp has just loved seeing his buds, evan and judd! And we have had a blast fellowship-ing with great friends! We truly are blessed! Today tripper and I did some major grocery shopping, going to wal-mart and sam's! He was a little trooper and had fun with mommy! He just loves when people stop to say what a cute baby he is. He just gives em' a big ol' grin! I love it!!
As usual, here are some pictures from the past week....enjoy!
It's funny how babies like to poop in certain places. Our dog's kennel is where O goes, I know, so sanitary! Lol. Time to start baby proofing! The fun is about to begin.