Sunday, January 31, 2010
34 weeks!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
33 weeks and a weekend full of showers!!
My family and me
Diaper Cake made by Carl's cousin cute!
We are so blessed to have such loving families! It was a busy and tiring weekend but was so much fun! We want to thank all who came and who made these showers so special! We love you all!! We have such amazing friends and families....I just can't say it enough! Well we hope everyone has a blessed week and has had a great weekend. We will be updating again real soon!
Traci, Carl & Tripp
Thursday, January 21, 2010
hiccup, hiccups and more hiccups!
I have still been counseling a few nights a week working on transitioning my clients hopefully within the next 2 weeks. It is during my sessions that Tripp decides to have a dance party in the womb! My tummy looks like it is convulsing! I usually have to put a pillow on my lap so little tripp does not become a distraction;) I guess he is going to be the life of the party, just like his dad....haha!
Tripp and I just got back from the gym, it is our favorite time of the day! We get lots of much needed energy. We also like to jam out to some of mommy's fave tunes! We are getting ready for a very excited weekend full of baby showers! Saturday my mom, sister and grandma are throwing a shower for baby tripp followed by Carl's family on sunday. We can't wait to get together with family and friends...and also secretly can't wait to have some rj goodies cake on saturday...yaya knows what we like;)
I just wanted to give a little update on our little all-star in there! We are off to run some errands while we are still on our energy high;) Hope everyone has a blessed day!
Traci & Tripp
Sunday, January 17, 2010
32 Weeks Preggers!
Carl and I had another nice weekend. We were able to spend a lot of quality time together, just the two of us which was really nice. Last night, we went to church and then went over to adam and jessica's to hang out and play games with them and Damian and Nina. All of us girls are 7 and 8 months preggo so it was quite an evening;) Jessica will be having baby judd in february and nina and I will be having tripp and evan in march. Lots of new boys and lots of playdates to come!! Today we helped to move my little sister back up to school. It is crazy to think of how fast time flies. Carl and I can remember moving ourselves back to school and now here we are years later happily married and with a baby on the way! God is Great!! Sadly, I would have to say the highlight of my day was lunchtime when my mom treated us to some delicious food including fried pickles!! YUM!! Definitely need that gym time tomorrow;)
Well we hope everyone had a great weekend and has a blessed week ahead! As usual we will update again soon!! I wanted to close with a great passage for starting off the new year, enjoy!
"Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight..." Proverbs
Traci & Tripp
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Week 31 and Happy Birthday MOM!
Just wanted to start out today by wishing my awesome mom a very happy birthday! She will always be not only my mom, but my best friend as well!! I am lucky to have her and Tripp will be very lucky to have her for a "YaYa"!
Here we are at week 31! I can't believe we will be seeing our little boy in 8 weeks or less! We can't wait. As usual here is a peek into his development this week:
This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.
According to that information, all I can say is that Tripp seems to be very active and healthy! This little boy loves to jump around the womb. When I notice the most movement is when: 1. He hears his daddy's voice and 2. When I am listening to music. It is such an amazing feeling, I know all you moms out there know exactly what I'm saying! I don't mind that it keeps me up at night! The newest thing I've been feeling is what I am pretty sure is hiccups. At first I wasn't sure what it was but then as I read some of my pregnancy books I realized that hiccups were most likely what I was feeling. Most of the time Carl can feel them on the outside too! Other than that things have been going really well. I get tired really easily and find myself needing more and more "power naps" but other than that I feel good. I think going to the gym and working out helps to give me energy and helps to make me feel better. I am going to continue to do so until I can't anymore! We now start going to the doc every two weeks starting this next week! Can't believe it! I will of course update with any new information!
Carl and I had a fun and relaxing weekend. We went to watch our good friend lance coach his jv basketball team on friday night. It's always fun to watch lance coach! Afterwards we went over to adam and jessica's and hung out for a bit. We got home pretty late which is really rare for us, especially these days;) On saturday I went to Baytown to watch my nephew play basketball. It was entertaining as usual to watch 5/6 year olds play! Saturday night Carl and I spent at home together in our warm house! This morning Carl and I went to church and then went and celebrated my mom's birthday with my family. It was a great day! Carl is outside right now climbing in a tree cutting braches off with a chainsaw, needless to say I am inside the house trying to stay away from the window and witnessing that nerve racking scene!
Well I hope everyone has had an awesome weekend and has a blessed upcoming week! We will be updating again real soon!
Traci & Tripp
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Tripp's Nursery
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Week 30 and Happy 2010!
It's a yes!
how it all began...