Baby's now the size of a papaya!(average size is: 10.5-11.8 in. 12.7-20.8oz)
Baby's skin is becoming more opaque as the fat starts to pack on. And, thanks to the formation of small capillaries, his newly thick skin is taking on a fresh pink glow.
Your baby's skin becomes less translucent as pigment is deposited, and it looks wrinkly because his body is making his skin more quickly than it makes the fat to pad underneath it. Your baby's unique hand- and footprints are forming. You may feel jumps as he has bouts of hiccups. In fact, it may seem like the baby is in perpetual motion. Some babies now kick in response to sounds and touch from outside the womb. Encourage your partner to talk to the baby, and see if he kicks in response!
Well tripp has definitely been making his presence known to us daily! He has been wiggling so much that we can even see him move on the outside of my tummy. Carl really gets a kick out of that. I think he is going to be just like his daddy...not being able to sit down for long! Guess my mom and sisters will still be my movie going partners...don't think tripp will like "wasting time" either ;)We are so in love with our little boy already and can't wait to meet him!!
As I said before we had such an amazing will be hard to put into words! To kick off the weekend mom and I went and saw New Moon! We went to the movie tavern so for a preggo like me it was and a greatly anticipated movie!! WE had a such a good time and really enjoyed the movie! I didn't think anything could top that, but it did. Saturday was my baby nephew Jake's first birthday party. We had a fun time getting together and celebrating. Dad/Chief even got talked into climbing into the moon walk and bouncing around! Jake is so precious and I can't believe he is one already! Here are some pics of the cutie
The Birthday Boy!
"Give me that cake!"
"Yum, that was delicious and fun too!"
Happy Birthday Jake!
Dad getting in touch with his inner child;)
After the party, Carl and I got ready to go to see Dwight Yoakam. Carl surprised me with tickets for our anniversary. We went to Saltgrass first for a yummy dinner and then after a quick stop at CVS for some antacids ( of the perks of pregnancy) we were off to the concert. All I can say about Dwight's performance is WOW! It was a great show! And to top it off we had great seats and were basically sitting right in front of him! He put on such an awesome performance. Carl and I were worried because we are not used to staying up so late, but as soon as he hit the stage we were wide awake! Tripp even enjoyed it....he was dancing around in my belly the whole time;) Carl and I also enjoyed feeling him moving around. Poor baby was probably wondering what the heck his usually boring parents were doing! Nonetheless, we're pretty sure he's going to be a fan just like us! Like I said before, what an AMAZING weekend! And now we have thanksgiving this week. Tripp and I can't wait to eat some of my mom/YaYa's delicious dressing!! It's my fave part. Not to mention getting together with family and friends! Friday morning Kelly, mom and I will continue our tradition of getting up at 3 am and hitting the black friday sales! What a great week we have ahead of us! I am so thankful for all the blessings in my life!! In closing I have posted some pics from the concert and before. We hope everyone has a blessed week and happy thanksgiving! Remember to give thanks to God for all the blessings in your life! We love you all!!!
Such an awesome show!
"Good time Charlie's got the blues..."
Have a blessed week and Happy Thanksgiving!
Traci, Carl and Tripp
Well... cute baby.. and your child too! cuz the baby I was talking about, was Dwight.. lol