Monday, January 24, 2011

Mr. Mischievous

Here's a typical morning at our house with quite a curious and active little boy:

having a snack...eating crumbs off the floor

getting some exercise...pushing barstools around the kitchen

playing the drums....banging on the toilet

getting some juice out of the fridge

trying to get into the trash

helping mommy by starting the dishwasher....over and over
And we were finished with all of those activities by 8am! On to some more mischief! We hope you all are having a productive monday like we are! Thanks for stopping by:)
love and blessings,
traci & tripp

1 comment:

  1. Ha! That's hilarious! He is definitely a curious little baby, and I have a feeling Graham isn't too far behind him. They will be getting into trouble together in no time! Did y'all go to the library today? Hopefully we will make it next week. G is doing better but now I'm sick. Sooo ready to be over this sickness!


It's a yes!

It's a yes!
how it all began...