Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Well we went to the doc today for our ultrasound and we were told that we were having a boy! I have kind of always had a gut feeling that it was a boy and it turned out that gut feeling was right on! Tripp was moving and kicking around! So that explains what I have been feeling every night. He was also not being very shy with his genitals, he was more than happy to show us ;) Dr. J also said that Tripp is a big baby, he is already measuring a week ahead! We are so excited and feel so blessed! We can't wait to meet Baby Tripp!! Now it's time to get to work on the nursery:) We are also still working on a middle for now it's just tripp, at least we don't have to refer to him as baby schinde anymore!

We hope everyone is having a great week!! We will be updating again soon!!

Traci, Carl and baby Tripp


  1. Congrats you two! That's so exciting!

  2. yay! many congrats! Just noticed on the picture they spelled your name wrong :-P

  3. CONGRATS on finding out that its a boy! Baby boys sure do love their mommas which I'm sure you'll love. Can't wait to see pics of the nursery...


It's a yes!

It's a yes!
how it all began...